It was in 2007 that the dream of the Shalom Namutere Project was conceived. What was an idea was shortly turned into a community intervention for so many people. I couldn't help to see so many children, not in school. Having grown up in this same community, I hoped for something better than I saw. My hope continued to be frustrated by continuous poverty. The community continued to wait for the government to remember them in vain. It didn't matter what party we elected and supported we were still poor. Who exactly will bring this change? I prayed and started by collecting pens and pencils from my house and my friends. Aware that education was free, I knew the kids were kept from school from a lack of scholastic material and uniforms. The first term we were able to provide scholastic material and uniforms for over 4o children This intervention was followed by several terms of scholastic and uniform supply for the community. Even then, we realized that the kids were...
Transforming lives!